The prevention of dental disease should be one of the most important aspects of any dental practice. The most often dental diseases are teeth decay and gum disease. They both start asymptomatic and progresstion if left untreated. Both of them will eventually lead to the tooth loss. Among the other things, one of the major factors contributing to the dental problem is the bacteria, which stays on the teeth and the gums in the form of plaque. Plaque is soft sticky substance that accumulates on teeth; composed of bacteria and food debris due to inadequate dental hygiene. Removal of plaque (and bacteria, contained in plaque) on a daily basis can prevent from a lot of problems.
Home Oral Hygeine
In order to successfully treat any disease, one should try to eliminate the reasons. As we talked before the main reason for gum disease is accumulated bacteria. But we cannot live in sterile environment. So we have to try to reduce plaque and tartar formation to minimum. That’s why your good home oral hygiene is step number one in prevention and treatment of gum disease.
We all brush our teeth, but we do it right? The experienced dental hygienists will work closely with you to choose the right brushing methods for you, and will advise you on the tooth brush and others hygiene tools you need to use.
Bass Brushing Method
The most recommended brushing technique is modified Bass cleaning technique. It has proven its worth both for people with healthy gums , gingivitis and periodontitic patients. This technique concentrates on cleaning at the gum margins. The tooth brush must be soft, so it is not damage the gums when positioning the tooth brush.
Outer surfaces: Place the tooth brush on the gums at an angle of 45° and always start at the back.
Inner surfaces: Small circular movements (vibratory motion).
Front teeth: Place the toothbrush in an upright position behind the front teeth. Lastly, brush the chewing surfaces using vibratory motions from the back to the front.
Electric Tooth Brush
In recent years the electric tooth brushes became very popular. The advantage of the electric tooth brush is ability to move the bristles as much faster rate than the human hand can possibly move, therefore allowing much better and thorough cleaning, compare it to a regular tooth brush.
Even more flossing
There are a lot of helpful tools for flossing available from different manufactures. I placed links to a few products which a lot of patients find helpful in maintaining the oral hygiene.
In choosing the “cleaning tools” you have to remember that the idea in gum disease prevention is to remove as much food debris and plaque from around the tooth. Just with the tooth brush you can not reach in between the teeth. Leaving food remnants around the tooth will lead to gum inflammation which will develope the progression of gum disease.
Find the most convenience tools for yourself to reach in every area of your mouth.